The optional package @rschedule/ical-tools
includes a new VEvent
object for working with iCalendar VEVENT
components, as well as serializeToICal()
and parseICal()
Important: If you are only interested in ICAL support, consider using rrulejs instead of rSchedule as it currently has greater support for ICAL recurrence rules.
Some limitations:
- Parsing / serializing
components is not currently supported. - You can only parse / serialize
objects. VEvent#data
is ignored.
const vEvent = new VEvent({
start: new Date(),
const iCal = vEvent.toICal(); // => string
VEvent.fromICal(iCal); // => VEvent[]
has a peer dependency on ical.js
yarn add @rschedule/ical-tools ical.js
# or
npm install @rschedule/ical-tools ical.js
objects allow iterating a occurrence schedule made up of RRULEs and/or EXRULEs as well as RDATEs and EXDATEs. VEvent
objects are similar to Schedule
objects, but VEvent
objects follow the iCalendar VEVENT
spec (e.g. dtstart time is the first occurrence, etc). As part of this support, VEvent
objects make use of a special variation of Rule
objects: RRule
(i.e. import { RRule } from '@rschedule/ical-tools'
). As with other rSchedule objects, VEvent
is immutable.
Some rSchedule limitations:
- Not all iCal rules are currently supported.
are unsupported
- Not all VEVENT properies of the ICAL spec are supported. The supported properties are
. Other properties are not supported.
Example usage:
const vEvent = VEvent.fromICal(
.map(date => date.toISOString());
vEvent.toICal(); // `DTSTART:20120524T000000Z\nRRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20121131T000000Z`
How to work with "VALUE=DATE"
By default, creating a VEvent using the class constructor and then serializing that VEvent to ICal will result in the VEvent dates being serialized as ICal "DATE-TIME"
values rather than "DATE"
values. If you'd like to pass a date to VEvent and have it serialized as an ICal "VALUE=DATE"
rather than "VALUE=DATE-TIME"
, then you need to create that date using the DateAdapter constructor like so.
const date = new StandardDateAdapter(new Date(), {
metadata: {
'@rschedule/ical-tools': {
isICalType: 'date',
const vEvent = new VEvent({
start: date,
If you are creating the VEvent object from ICal (i.e. VEvent.fromICal(icalString)
) than this is done for you automatically.
has the following constructor.
class VEvent<D = any> {
static fromICal(iCal: string): VEvent<{ jCal: IJCalComponent }>;
data!: D;
readonly start: DateAdapter;
readonly isInfinite: boolean;
readonly duration?: number | DateAdapter;
readonly hasDuration: boolean;
readonly maxDuration?: number;
readonly timezone: string | null;
readonly rrules: ReadonlyArray<RRule> = [];
readonly exrules: ReadonlyArray<RRule> = [];
readonly rdates: Dates<T>;
readonly exdates: Dates<T>;
constructor(args: {
start: DateInput;
// accepts either the number of milliseconds of the duration or the end
// datetime of the first occurrence (which will be used to calculate the
// duration in milliseconds)
duration?: number | DateInput;
// The data property holds arbitrary data associated with the `VEvent`.
// The data property is mutable.
// When iterating through a VEvent, you can access a list of the generator objects (i.e. Rules / Dates)
// which generated any yielded date by accessing the `DateAdapter#generators` property.
// In this way, for a given, yielded date, you can access the objects which generated
// the date as well as the arbitrary data associated with those objects.
// The data property is ignored when serializing to iCal.
data?: D;
rrules?: ReadonlyArray<IVEventRuleOptions | RRule>;
exrules?: ReadonlyArray<IVEventRuleOptions | RRule>;
rdates?: ReadonlyArray<DateInput> | Dates;
exdates?: ReadonlyArray<DateInput> | Dates;
maxDuration?: number;
add(prop: 'rrule' | 'exrule', value: RRule): VEvent<D>;
add(prop: 'rdate' | 'exdate', value: DateInput): VEvent<D>;
remove(prop: 'rrule' | 'exrule', value: RRule): VEvent<D>;
remove(prop: 'rdate' | 'exdate', value: DateInput): VEvent<D>;
set(prop: 'timezone', value: string | null, options?: { keepLocalTime?: boolean }): VEvent<D>;
set(prop: 'start', value: DateInput): VEvent<D>;
set(prop: 'rrules' | 'exrules', value: RRule[]): VEvent<D>;
set(prop: 'rdates' | 'exdates', value: Dates<unknown>): VEvent<D>;
toICal(): string;